Configuring Kanzi Studio projects

To configure a Kanzi Studio project:

  1. Open the project and in the main menu select Project > Properties.
  2. In the Properties set the properties in these property categories to configure your project:

Setting the default assets

You can set which assets you want to use when you create new nodes and resources.

To set the default assets:

  1. Open the project and in the main menu select Project > Properties.
  2. In the Properties in the Default Assets category set which assets you want to use by default:

Setting how Kanzi loads a kzb file

The presence of the Screen node in a kzb file determines how Kanzi loads a kzb file.

To set whether Kanzi Studio exports the Screen node to the kzb file of that project, in the Project > Properties set the Export Screen to Kzb property to:

Project property types

For a list of the available property types for a Kanzi Studio project, see Project.

See also

Creating a project

Combining Kanzi Studio projects into a Kanzi application

Importing projects

Merging projects

Cleaning up your project

Documenting a project

Using kzb files

Configuring Android builds

Creating Kanzi Engine plugins

Using OpenGL ES 3.0 in Kanzi

Setting how Kanzi Engine handles unused resources